Fall Worm Composting Class 2024

Go home with your own starter worm bin and all the info you need to get started!

In this class you will learn all you will need to know about "vermicomposting"; an indoor composting system that is easy and produces particularly rich compost for your garden and houseplants. Participants go home with a working worm bin. Register early, space is limited!

October 26th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
615 Willow Ave
Compost Education Program
Ithaca, NY 14850
United States
Phone: 607-272-2292
Event Fee options
Household registration (includes starter worm bin) $12.00
Household class fee ONLY (instruction only, no bin) $2.00
Code and Area
Finance Account Code 992
Program Area of the Event Environment-Compost